The EY denkstatt approach

There are many ways – we’ll find yours

We offer in-depth expertise, a holistic perspective, and science-based decisions – and help you to find the best fit for your company by elaborating customized strategies.

EY denkstatt as your trusted advisor

A personal relationship with our clients is the key to feasible solutions and their successful implementation. We are more than a service provider and you are more than a client to us. We are your strategic partner helping to reach your goals by understanding your requirements and challenges.

We work TOGETHER – at eye level.

Complex issues need holistic approaches

Awareness of the complexity of environmental, economic, and social issues is indispensable. We provide a multi-faceted point of view, taking all the possibilities for your business into account, and reflecting on system boundaries, correlations, and integrated processes. Due to the  variety of our expertise, 

we can make sure that all fields of concern are taken into account.

We work in a
science-based way

Our decisions and results are based

on scientific facts.

We work with studies, empirically collected data, and standardized metrics in line with international standards. Collaborations with universities reinforce our scientific background.

Six pillars to boost your sustainability performance

Reducing costs

Optimizing ecological and social impacts

Increasing internal capacity

Analyzing key business risks

Strengthening reputation

Achieving good governance

Sustainability from start to finish

We accompany organizations on their sustainability journey from the development and updating to the operational implementation and control of your strategy. We understand our clients, recognize their circumstances, and pick up from wherever they are in their journey.


With a long-term mindset, we offer you continuous process support by means of:

Let us be your partner on your sustainability journey

and find the right solutions for your company.

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