Legal compliance management

Legal compliance management helps your company to act in a legally correct manner. Companies must therefore organize themselves using management systems and clear processes.

Legal compliance management is necessary for evidence

The correct implementation of management systems implies compliance with various legal and regulatory requirements. We help you to be legally secure on the road and to handle the requirements of EMAS, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, or ISO 50001 efficiently.

What is legal compliance?

Legal compliance is the adherence to the laws or policies that apply to a business. However, depending on your industry, the compliance requirements can vary. Legal compliance management also includes policies such as due diligence, reporting requirements or proper risk management. Legal compliance can therefore develop into a complex matter and have serious legal consequences if the obligations are not met.

How can your business achieve regulatory compliance?

Achieving regulatory compliance with EY denkstatt includes different steps and tasks. To get the best out of management systems and to strengthen your compliance policy, we work together with your EHS management closely. For ensuring regulatory compliance, these measures have proven successful: 

Legal risks of noncompliance

A legal risk of non-compliance exists in financial terms.

In addition to the damage to your reputation and lowering your opportunities, noncompliance can result in high legal fines, legal penalties and costly lawsuits. However, our experience shows that taking advantage of the potential and resulting benefits of compliance are a great motivation to run a company in a legally compliant manner.

Our compliance services

We at EY denkstatt offer customized legal compliance management solutions in the following law areas:

Environmental law

Energy law

Employee protection law

Quarterly legal update service

We offer database-driven solutions for keeping up to date with changes in relevant legislation. Our partner, denxpert LEGAL by denxpert, combines a focus on the essentials, user-friendliness, and understandability. You only have to spend a minimum of time tracking and evaluating legal requirements.

Legal compliance audits

Legal monitoring

Greenwashing prevention

Our regulatory monitoring service shows future developments at the European and national levels in advance. From environmental compliance to workplace health and safety: Our service enables you to proactively adjust your corporate strategy and anticipate future market developments.

We support you in different stages of your processes and find a strategy that suits your company!


Frequently asked questions on legal compliance

Legal compliance management deals with legal requirements such as laws and regulations. Legal compliance management is responsible for bringing internal conditions such as processes and working methods into line with legal requirements, that are relevant to your business.

To comply with legal requirements, we recommend you establish clear processes and responsibilities within the company. However, we live in times of constant change and increasing obligations for companies. That is why many clients rely on our services, such as a database-supported legal register or legal monitoring by our legal team.

With denxpert LEGAL software, you start your journey to legal compliance. The compliance software enables you to overview and update your EHS legal content. denxpert LEGAL basic is the perfect choice to manage your legal obligations or to get prepared for an audit. denxpert LEGAL advanced gets one step further and allows you to establish permit management. Contact denxpert for a 30-minute free consultation.

Our team of legal experts researches for new and changed legislation on a monthly basis. 4 to 6 weeks after each quarter we publish the legal changes of the quarter in denxpert LEGAL, pre-evaluate their relevance for your company and optionally send a newsletter as well, which contains all the changes in one document. A yearly workshop and a helpdesk service can be added to the service package.

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