Success Story

Thriving nature roadmap



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Assessing GHG reduction potentials for several hotspots in company operations with a particular focus on Scope 3 value chain emissions. An additional aim of the project was to define specific and sensible decarbonization scenarios for reaching the established GHG reduction targets.

Our solution

denkstatt provided continuous support in assessing and updating the client’s corporate carbon footprint calculations and models. In particular, the focus was placed on improving the quality of data concerning both direct and indirect land use change impacts across the value chain. Furthermore, denkstatt carried out multiple investigations to support the client’s effort to reduce the carbon footprint of their products focusing on both more sustainable ingredients and efficiency improvements.

Client benefit

Through the implementation of this project, the client has received continuous expert support on a range of sustainability and climate-related questions. In addition, denkstatt has developed a custom product carbon footprint calculations tool to use for assessing the global warming impact of new product recipes. Furthermore, denkstatt has offered support in road-testing the SBTi net-zero requirements to evaluate the feasibility of submitting a net-zero target in the future.

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