Amira Zauchner denkstatt

Amira Zauchner, MA

Senior Manager Sustainability Services

“Sustainability is so much more than just compliance. More exciting is how your company can derive strategic benefit from what is necessary and prepare for the future.”

As Associate Manager, Amira Zauchner leads the EY denkstatt consulting team for ESG strategies and sustainable supply chain management – always with an eye on regulatory developments and the strategic importance for your company. Amira’s approach to consulting is based on compliance aspects as well as strategic benefits and your company’s individual potential.

Amira Zauchner is an ESG strategy expert, sustainability visionary and member of the leadership team at EY denkstatt. Previously, she worked as a sustainability manager in ATX Five and DAX30 companies, respectively, and has held professional positions as a project manager at respACT – austrian business council for sustainable development – and as a research assistant at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna). For more than 10 years she has been working on sustainable development and its relevance for business. In addition to her consulting work, she passes on her practical expertise as a speaker and lecturer at various educational institutions.

Experience in sustainability: 10+ years

Core industries: FSMG, Industrie, Real Estate

Core topics

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Publications / Articles

CSRD: Jetzt starten, statt warten

Bewährte Maßnahmen aus der Beratungspraxis bieten sinnvolle Anhaltspunkte, wie sich Unternehmen jetzt auf die CSRD vorbereiten.

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